Friday, December 14, 2012

My story

I read a book..

I`ve just finished the paperbook. The book is 'I am a star' It is so short and not difficult story to read. It encourages people who are worried about their future and consoles them. Actually, it has been so long time to read a paperbook. Because I enjoy reading an E-book nowadays.

As reading a book, I found that it is so interesting to turn over the page and draw underline on lines in person with my pen like a picture below.

I realized that why people still stick to read paperbooks.I think it will be memorized and more impressed to reader. I can leave the page and I fold the page to read again and again. After finish reading a book, I felt this book is mine! What I`m saying is not just papers but its meaningful phrases. 
Maybe, I cannot often read a paperbook. Because I usually spend time outside and it is true that E-book is much easier to read while moving. However, sometimes I would miss this feeling to turn over the page and draw underline with my pen. 
If you want to get some healing with a book, I`d like to recommend you to choose a paperbook. And read the book little by little whenever you feel some hard. Each line will reach to you more seriously and sincerely. 

Here is my favorite phrase in this book. I wish you cheer someone and never forget you are also cheered by someone beside you. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Try it

Let`s make my own E-book!

Until now, you`ve just read an E-book already made. But you can publish an E-book using iPhone or iPad. In this time, I will show you how to publish an E-book. We call it e-publishing.Formats Apple supports are epub format and pdf format. You prepare the program in to make E-book. It is free. 

Then, prepare a txt. file of your book and save it another name. 

 Choose encoding UTF-8. 

Next, convert txt file to epub using calibre. Then, synchronize e-book through i-Tunes.

Finally, you can read your e-book with iPhone or iPad. 

If you are interested in publishing E-book or cannot find the book you want to, it would be helpful to you. 

Here is some funny video. If you have no iPhone or iPad, you can make an E-book like this poor man. Haha.

(Source : Google blog, You tube)


E-book and Paperbook

On May 19th, Amazon announced that E-book is sold 105 per 100 paperbooks in this year. It implies that E-book generation is coming more closely to us. This situations happens not only in U.S BUT in Korea. As for Kyobo statistics, E-book was only 2% comparing to paperbook in 2010. But in May, 2012 E-book total sales are over 10 million in a day. As I posted before, E-book is comfortable. Reading this post, you might think that it is the same to read the book with electronic device or paper. However, there is difference between E-book and Paperbook. 
Kyobo found best seller is different depending on book`s type. The list below shows the difference. 

(Source : Hangyeore newspaper)

Best sellers of paperbooks are related to philosophy or humanity book, and E-books are self-development or practical book. The reason existing the difference is that reader`s environment is different each other. Contents of E-book is relatively easy and simple, and Paperbook is somewhat serious. It also show that 20`s reading characteristic because most of E-book users are 20`s. 
Meanwhile, there are some voice of worrying about Paperbook`s crisis. They are anxious for Paperbooks` disappearing. Actually, Amazon was famous for Paperbook at first but Amazon has turned their selling point to E-book. It also shows Paperbooks` crisis. 
However, it is impossible to totally replace Paperbook with E-book. Because people can`t forget the feel of touching papers, the smell of papers and the sound of turning pages.
So I think E-book and Paperbook are complementary. None of the two replace each other. No one can say one is better than the other.

The thing we remember is that the world is changing so fast and anyway we try to follow this flow. We just choose the better one depending on our circumstance. Be a wise man who can use the suitable device in a suitable circumstance. 

(Source : Google image, Hangyeore newspaper, Naver)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The reason to go to bookstore is..

I`ve shown the way to read E-book and various advantages of E-book. Although E-book is getting more famous and common to us, there are still many people to prefer to read the paperbook. In this time, I will write some reason why they bring paperbooks and go to bookstore. Shortly, I am going to tell you some advantages of paperbook. And in the next post, I will compare E-books and paperbook more detailed. 

Before I make the list of advantages, there is interesting book for recommending to read paper book. The book is 'Recommend to read paperbooks' In this book, the writer said that paperbooks have disappeared and many bookstores have been closed. However, he said we should read the paper book. A paperbook enable us to control ourselves. Reading the book, you can leave on the page until you totally understand. You can read the book setting on your bed whenever you want to read little by little with comfortable mind and position. 
At the end of this book, the writer said to the reader. The world is changing so fast and we live in there. We are only trying to follow its flow. You have run hard not to be a loser. Now, why don`t you lower give some rest to your mind through reading a paperbook? 

Like this book, people who prefer to read a paperbook like to enjoy rest. Also, some people say they like to go to bookstore with their lover, family and children. In there, they can talk a lot and come close to each other. Some people say they like the smell of paperbooks. It has its own smell and it makes they comfortable. For these reasons, some people are still going to bookstore and reading a paperbook. 

(Source : Naver image, Google image, Naver book)

How to read E-book

How to read E-book - 7 

In this time, I will tell you about EPUB. Do you know epub? I think there is few people knowing it. It is the short for electronic publication. It is an open e-book standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum. Files have the extension .epub. 
An epub reader can optimize text for a particular display device. It supersedes the Open eBook standard. Therefore you can read the book more comfortable by converting the extension to .epub. You can use the program for converting the extension. 

To convert format to epub, you need essential outline XHTML. Here is the form. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Pride and Prejudice</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" type="text/css" />

Also, it supports image files format of PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG. Other media formats are available but there must be alternative that producer permits. 

(Source : Google image, Wikipedia, Naver)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to read E-book

How to read E-book - 6

Today,I am going to introduce 'KYOBO eReader' I once have written about it shortly before. But at that time I just told its application and in this time I will tell you eReader.
It is a device to read e-book produced Kyobo. You can bay or download books through Kyobo bookstore. It provides you PDF and ePub viewer. Its operating system is 2.3 Android and its weight is 338g. You can save the book up to 521MB.  
Also, it has Mirasol helping you read the book more colorful and clear. You can use this eReader once charged battery (If you read the book 30 minutes a day).

This video is made by KYOBO to introduce Mirasol display.

Here is the video which is showing how to use KYOBO eReader.

(Source: Kyobo page, Youtube)


What attracts me..

Today I want to tell some about the reason why I chose E-book as a topic of my blog. Actually, nowadays I read the book through the app 'Ridi books' 
Before a few months ago, I was not interested in E-book at all. I saw an article about E-book and I search for the apps. There were lots of apps and chose the one among them. Fortunately, there were some books that I`ve been interested in. I downloaded immediately. 

(source: Google image)

As reading the book with smartphone, I realized why E-book got famous. It is more comfortable and practical because I don`t need to bring a thick book. As I, actually almost people, always set a phone in their hands, I can read the book anywhere, anytime. I can also save money to buy books and time to go to library or bookstore. 
In the E-book world, there are no limits of time and place. If there is the only limits, it might be your smartphone`s battery capacity. We can read various types of books just sitting on the chair! 
I think there might be some people who want to read E-book but don`t know how to use it just like me. Or even some who have never heard about it. So I`d like to introduce about E-book and courage them.      
Posts following this are about the way to read E-book like lats posts, some disadvantages you have to know and foreseeing, etc. The choice is up to you.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How to read E-book

How to read E-book - 5

In this time, I am going to introduce 'Nook e-book reader'. Nook is the tablet produced by BARNES&NOBLE. 

Here is Nook`s Specs.

As you can see above, its version is Android 2.3. Android 2.3 is Gingerbread. And its weight is so light comparing with Galaxy note(600g) or Kindle fire(567g). 
Its ROM  is 16GB  so you can save the contents to 11GB. It is so enough size to save various contents. Kindle fire`s ROM is only 8GB. Also, it has removable memory up to 32GB. I think Nook might be needed to businessman or person who really use lots various contents. 

If you buy it, you can read the book with it. You can install its e-book application, and it sells in only Nook`s market. Also, you can not only read Nook e-book, but access Google e-book through Nook e-book reader.

(source: Google image, Google blog)

Monday, December 3, 2012

How to read E-book

How to read E-book - 4

Today I am going to introduce Google e-book. Google e-book is a program which is operated by google. You can buy Google e-book in the Google online eBooksotre or other online store linked to the Google`s account. Many of the books in the Google online eBookstore are free. Then you can read it online.

It also has an android application and iPhone application, so you can download app and enjoy e-book with your tablet or smart phone. 

This is the Google e-book application of iPhone. 

Here is a video about introducing Google e-book.

(source: Google image, wikipedia)

Monday, November 26, 2012

How to read E-book

How to read E-book - 3
In this time, we are going to look about application that can be used for iphone and android phone users. In this post, I am going to intoduce you three applications which are the most famous to people.

1. Kyobo

It is somewhat famous to people because its offline bookstore is really famous to. This application has been improving this applicaion to use it more comfortale. Its rental period is 6 days.


It has already been intoduced before as PC ebook. It has alsp application so you can read the book by using your computer and also by using your smart phone. Its rental period is 3 days. It is not so long.

This application is focusing on university library. So it might be useful to university students.

(source: Google image, google blog)

How to read E-book

How to read E-book - 2

This time I am going to show you another site to be providing e-book service. It is so famous to all around the world, So today we are going to read the book in First of all, to read a book in, you need to be prepared amazon kindle.

Here is the real page of I captured.

Amazon kindle is a series of e-book readers produced by Amazon kindls users are able to shop for, download, and read e-books, newspapers, magazines, and other digital medi via wireless networking.

Then you have to convert test files to pdf version. Kindle has also application. So you just download the application and you can read the book.

(source: wikipedia, google)

(source: Google image)

How to read E-book

How to read E-book - 1

Now I`m going to show you the way to read e-book by using a personal computer and smart phone.

The first way is to read e-book usin by a personal computer.

If you want to read e-book by using your computer, you just access the sites providing e-book service. Some sites are charging you but some are not. So if you do not intend to pay to read e-book, I recomment one site 'mekia.' It is so famous site to Korean. This site provides some books for free.

Here is the real page of mekia that I caprutred.

To read a book, you have to download pc viewer. I am going to show you the real process for reading mekia e-book. There are captured poctures below I have captured.

Then you choose the book and click download button.

Finally, if you run the viewer,
you can read the book you want to.