Thursday, December 13, 2012

Try it

Let`s make my own E-book!

Until now, you`ve just read an E-book already made. But you can publish an E-book using iPhone or iPad. In this time, I will show you how to publish an E-book. We call it e-publishing.Formats Apple supports are epub format and pdf format. You prepare the program in to make E-book. It is free. 

Then, prepare a txt. file of your book and save it another name. 

 Choose encoding UTF-8. 

Next, convert txt file to epub using calibre. Then, synchronize e-book through i-Tunes.

Finally, you can read your e-book with iPhone or iPad. 

If you are interested in publishing E-book or cannot find the book you want to, it would be helpful to you. 

Here is some funny video. If you have no iPhone or iPad, you can make an E-book like this poor man. Haha.

(Source : Google blog, You tube)

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